
Environmental Management

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EnvironmentEnvironmental Management


Marubeni Group Environmental Policy (revised in January 2019)

Basic Philosophy

In full awareness of its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, recognizing the environmental problems as material issues, the Marubeni Group will make every effort to simultaneously pursue both a prosperous society and environmental conservation, while aiming to achieve the sustainable development of society.

Basic Principles

As a global corporate entity that engages in diverse business activities across a broad range of sectors, the Marubeni Group will apply the Environmental Management System to all the activities, services and products of the Marubeni Group, and observe the following principles it has established for environmental conservation.

  1. All business activities will be conducted in consideration of their possible impact on the environment. We will contribute to cooperation with stakeholders to the conservation of the environment, the prevention of pollution and the reduction of potential environmental impacts, including efficient use of resources and taking appropriate steps to address climate change and protect biodiversity and ecosystems, focusing on the four themes below.
    1. (1)Compliance with international and local applicable environmental guidelines, laws and regulations, and agreed requirements;
    2. (2)Taking measures as necessary to reduce environmental impacts and prevent pollution, particularly in launching new projects and altering existing projects;
    3. (3)Facilitating resource and energy conservation (mineral resources, food and water, etc.)*1, waste reduction, green procurement, and increases in operational efficiency;*2
    4. (4)Promoting business projects, offering products and services, technical development and building social systems that help protect and improve the environment.
  2. In keeping with this Environmental Policy, the Marubeni Group’s Environmental Management System will be regularly reviewed to improve our environmental performance, fully conscious of the importance to comply with its requirements.
  3. This Environmental Policy will be shared with all Marubeni Group officers and employees, employees of the Group’s business partners, and the public.
  • “Energy conservation” in 1. (3) includes energy conservation in business facilities and logistics.
  • The Marubeni Group will conduct appropriate maintenance for “resource and energy conservation, waste reduction” and “increases in operational efficiency” in 1. (3).

Five Environmental Objectives

The Marubeni Group pursues the five objectives below in accordance with the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy in order to help to protect the environment and to reduce the environmental impact caused by its business activities.

  • Thoroughly implement environmental considerations when promoting projects
  • Expand initiatives with business partners who consider environmental aspects
  • Promote environmental consideration among Group companies
  • Promote environmental businesses
  • Conserve energy and natural resources, and reduce waste

Policy on Mine Closures

The Marubeni Group understands the importance of reducing the impact on the environment and surrounding communities when closing down mines. We use a local business entity to communicate with local communities and other stakeholders from the project planning stage, formulate a mine closure plan, conduct an environmental impact assessment, obtain environment-related authorizations from regulatory agencies, carry out various types of monitoring necessary for maintaining those authorizations, and strive to minimize the social and environmental impact when the mine is decommissioned. We also start the necessary rehabilitation before mine closure to lessen the environmental impact after the mine closes.


Establishment of Environmental Targets

At the beginning of each fiscal year, Marubeni uses an Environmental Plan / Check Sheet to identify the issues specific to each business group regarding environmental risk management, Group company administration, promotion of environmental business, conservation of energy and resource, prevention of pollution, and other such matters. Marubeni then establishes environmental targets for each business group and works towards achieving them.

Structures and Systems

The Marubeni Group Environmental Policy was established in 1998 as the embodiment of the Marubeni Group's firm commitment to environmental conservation.
The Marubeni Group promotes environmental considerations in its own business operations under the leadership of the Environment Committee chaired by the Chief Sustainable Development Officer.

Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)

The environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001 is to promote continuous improvement through planning, implementation, operation, inspection, and management review of our environmental initiatives, using the PDCA cycle.
Marubeni (Tokyo Head Office, Hokkaido Branch, Chubu Branch, Osaka Branch, and Kyushu Branch, and their affiliated branches) has introduced ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) as a tool to assist all employees in addressing environmental issues based on a common understanding.
Based on the survey for FYE 3/2024 (as of October 2023), the status of Marubeni Group's acquisition of ISO 14001 environmental management system is as follows:

Marubeni Group as a Whole 56 out of 490 companies (11.4% of total Group)

The Marubeni Group Multi-site Certificated Subsidiaries

The Marubeni Group in this Policy includes Marubeni Corporation and the subsidiaries listed below:

  • Marubeni Corporation
  • Yamaboshiya Co., Ltd.
  • Marubeni Information Systems Co., Ltd.
  • Marubeni Chemix Corporation
  • Marubeni Plax Corporation
  • Marubeni Forest LinX Co., Ltd.
  • Marubeni Power & Infrastructure Systems Corporation
  • Marubeni Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.

We shall publish the Marubeni Group Multi-site Certificated Subsidiaries list together with the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy at all times.


Assessment of Environmental Performance


Each group at Marubeni formulates environmental action plans at the beginning of each fiscal year and self-checks its progress against the plan in September and February using the Environmental Plan/Check Sheet.

External Audits

Our performance for ISO 14001 is subject to audits every year by LRQA Limited. Marubeni has continuously been certified in FYE 3/2024. We undergo ISO certificate renewal once every three years and periodic surveillance audits in other two years.

Internal Audits

Internal environmental audits are conducted every year based on ISO 14001. In FYE 3/2024, audits were conducted on all Business Groups, General Affairs Dept., and four branches (Osaka, Chubu, Hokkaido, Kyushu).
The Sustainability Management Department forms an internal audit team, and personnel who have a qualification of internal auditor verify whether the Company's environmental management system is properly operated through interviews and other appropriate means with personnel in each group, department, or branch. In addition to legal compliance with environment-related laws and regulations, we strive to prevent environmental risks by multifaceted analysis on various aspects, such as the management at the point of change in each business.

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

Each department at Marubeni and subsidiaries list applicable environmental laws, regulations, standards, and rules, and perform periodic reviews to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements.
During FYE 3/2024, Marubeni conducted an assessment to determine whether its 70 departments and 118 Marubeni Group companies were in compliance with the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act.
Marubeni also conducted an e-learning training program on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act for all domestic employees, including temporary employees. At the same time, training programs were held on the same topic at the Tokyo Head Office and major domestic branches (Osaka, Chubu, Hokkaido and Kyushu), where outside experts provided pertinent guidelines and information. 313 Marubeni Group employees in total participated in the training program. Likewise, the corresponding groups conducted more practical and hands-on forms of training.
As a result of these and other initiatives, there were no serious violations of environmental laws or regulations by the Marubeni Group in FYE 3/2024.

Environmental Education and Training

Marubeni provides environmental education to its employees to help raise their awareness of relevant issues. In FYE 3/2024, Marubeni organized a variety of programs, including environmental training designed for new employees. Other specific programs include: the Environmental Representatives e-learning Training Program and the ISO 14001 Internal Environmental Auditors Training Program.

Environmental Training Programs and Seminars in FYE 3/2024
Training Program/Seminar Number of Participants
ISO 14001 Internal Environmental Auditors Training Program 80
Training Program on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act 313
E-learning Training Program on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act 4,286
Brush-up Training for the Environmental Representatives 107

Environmental Assessment of Development Projects and Financing/Investment

From FYE 3/2021, we introduced a sustainability assessment tool to identify and assess different kinds of sustainability risks, not only environmental risks but also social risks such as occupational health and safety and human rights.

Promoting Environmental Consideration at Marubeni Group Companies

In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of our overall business operations, Marubeni Group companies are encouraged to support and join environmental conservation activities, which are designed in line with the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy. We also monitor their ISO 14001 status, emergency response measures, and environmental management systems.
In addition, Marubeni Group companies are asked to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and develop contingency plans for emergencies.

Sustainability Data Survey

Aiming to reduce the environmental impact of its operations across the Group, the Marubeni Group conducts a survey-based annual review of Marubeni Group companies' environmental performance.
This detailed assessment includes identification and status confirmation of elements within our operations that impact the environment, applicable environmental laws and regulations, emergency response measures, and environmental problems.

Internal and External Communications on Environmental Issues, including Environmental Management Issues

In accordance with the Marubeni Group Environmental Policy, we are committed to and proactive in communicating both internally and externally regarding environmental issues, including environmental management. We have held meetings with various stakeholders specifically on sustainability and exchanged opinions on environmental issues including environmental management, as well as climate change, biodiversity, human capital, supply chain management, human rights, occupational health and safety, etc. (11 meetings in FYE 3/2024). We will continue these efforts in the future.

Energy Conservation, Natural Resource Conservation, and Waste Reduction Activities

Marubeni is working for climate change measures in accordance with the policies of Keidanren's Commitment to a Low Carbon Society. The Company set the numerical targets to reduce energy usage (electricity and gas) by 10% or more at the Tokyo Head Office by FYE 3/2026 compared to FYE 3/2016. To achieve the numerical targets, the Company carries out initiatives such as introduction of energy-saving equipment, etc.
The targets for its energy conservation, natural resource conservation, and waste reduction efforts to be achieved by FYE 3/2026 and results are shown below.

Targets to be Achieved by FYE 3/2026
  Targets in the FYE 3/2026 Results in the FYE 3/2023
(1) Energy Consumption at the Tokyo Head Office Yearly targets: reduce annual average by 1% or more
Targets in the FYE 3/2026: Reduce energy usage by 10% or more compared to FYE 3/2016
21.7% decrease from FYE 3/2016
(2) Waste Generation at the Tokyo Head Office 50% or more decrease from FYE 3/2016 55.7% decrease from FYE 3/2016
(3) Waste Recycling Rate at the Tokyo Head Office 70% or more 75.2%
(4) Water Consumption at the Tokyo Head Office 50% decrease from FYE 3/2016 57.2% decrease from FYE 3/2016

In September 2016, the Tokyo Head Office moved to a temporary location in Nihonbashi due to the reconstruction of its permanent headquarters. In May 2021, the Tokyo Head Office is relocated from Nihonbashi to Takebashi new building.

Water Consumption includes Tap Water only.

Environmental Protection at the Tokyo Head Office and Tama Center

Marubeni is taking steps to address the Carbon Reduction Reporting Program based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Environmental Preservation.

Tokyo Head Office
Marubeni had submitted plans to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government describing its measures to reduce CO2 emissions volume of the Tokyo Head Office by approximately 17% from the reference value (average emissions from April 2002 to March 2005) during the five years from April 2015 to March 2020. However, from FYE 3/2017, Marubeni has not submitted Carbon Reduction Reports after moving the Tokyo Head Office to a temporary location in Nihonbashi in September 2016 (due to the reconstruction of its permanent headquarters) and has submitted Carbon Reduction Reports of Specified Tenants, etc. to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government through the building owner of its temporary location.
Due to the relocation of the Tokyo Head Office submission of Carbon Reduction Report of Specified Tenants, etc. was not required for FYE 3/2021.
In conjunction with the completion of the new Head Office in February 2021, Marubeni submits the Carbon Reduction Reports starting from FYE 3/2023 to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Tokyo Head Office: Past Submissions of Carbon Reduction Reports
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2011
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2012
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2013
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2014
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2015
Covering FYE 3/2021-FYE 3/2025 Submitted in April 2023
Tokyo Head Office: Past Submissions of Carbon Reduction Reports of Specified Tenants, etc.
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in October 2017
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in October 2018
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in October 2019
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in November 2020

Tama Center
Marubeni submits plans to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government describing its measures to reduce the CO2 emissions volume of the Tama Center, a training center managed by the Tokyo Head Office, by approximately 27% from the reference value (average emissions from April 2005 to March 2008) during the five years from April 2020 to March 2025.
The emissions volume in FYE 3/2023 was 2,382 metric tons of CO2, a decrease of approximately 80% compared to the reference value (the emissions volume was calculated based on estimated reference value of 11,831 metric tons of CO2.)

Tama Center: Past Submissions of Carbon Reduction Reports
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2011
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2012
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2013
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2014
Covering FYE 3/2011-FYE 3/2015 Submitted in November 2015
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in November 2016
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in November 2017
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in November 2018
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in November 2019
Covering FYE 3/2016-FYE 3/2020 Submitted in September 2020
Covering FYE 3/2021-FYE 3/2025 Submitted in November 2021
Covering FYE 3/2021-FYE 3/2025 Submitted in November 2022
Marubeni Corporation