Our Views on Sustainability

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★Marubeni's Sustainability > Our Views

Our Views on Sustainability

Our Views on Sustainability

Company Creed


  • Fairness: Act with fairness and integrity at all times.
  • Innovation: Pursue creativity with enterprise and initiative.
  • Harmony: Give and earn the respect of others through cooperation.

In accordance with the spirit of the Company Creed of “Fairness , Innovation , and Harmony ,” the Marubeni Group is proudly committed to social and economic development and safeguarding the global environment by conducting fair and upright corporate activities.

Our Management Philosophy clearly expresses our views on sustainability. To us, sustainability means proactively engaging in environmental and social issues and challenges, delivering solutions through innovation, and living by the Management Philosophy.
Corporate value is composed of financial and non-financial value; non-financial value in particular is steadily growing in importance. With regard to sustainability, such issues as climate change, the depletion of forestry resources and human rights issues pose grave threats to social and environmental sustainability. Adopting and implementing clear medium- and long-term corporate policies regarding these issues is directly related to increasing non-financial value and corporate value.
Until now, to increase corporate value, each of our businesses has generally created its own innovative business model in anticipation of the challenges facing society.
From now on, however, we will further fortify our traditionally strong businesses (vertical evolution) and also leverage internal and external expertise in order to generate better results than would otherwise be possible (horizontal expansion). This is the concept of our Global crossvalue platform; it will provide solutions for social and environmental problems and guide us in working toward a better tomorrow by providing a framework for promoting social and economic development and conserving the global environment.

Click here for ESG Content Index

For a Further Understanding of Our Views on Sustainability

Our Journey—Building a Better Tomorrow

Our Journey

  • This booklet introduces the Marubeni Group’s approach to sustainability, along with our awareness of environmental and social issues and the initiatives we are currently working on. It was edited and prepared to be easily accessible and read by our stakeholders including business partners. We hope to guide everyone on our innovation journey for a sustainable future.
    (December 2020)

  • For printing

Our Journey

Building a Better Tomorrow

Building a Better Tomorrow

  • This movie shows the Marubeni Group’s overview of the material issues and policies for sustainability with the message by our President and CEO.
    (February 2019, 305 sec.)


Our governance structure allows for adequate Board supervision of important sustainability-related matters.
Specifically, the Sustainability Management Committee, which reports directly to the President, leads on the formulation of strategy, evaluation of progress and revision and monitoring of metrics and targets relating to sustainability, including climate change, water management, pollution prevention, sustainable forestry, biodiversity, circular economy, occupational health and safety, respect for human rights, contribution to local communities, supply chain management and responsibility to customers. The Committee submits reports on important matters to the Corporate Management Committee and the Board of Directors periodically (once a year as a minimum) in accordance with prescribed procedures, which are then deliberated and voted on. The Board of Directors, by receiving periodic reports on important matters related to the sustainability initiatives discussed by the Committee, oversees sustainability-related matters.
Sustainability Management Committee is chaired by the Chief Sustainable Development Officer (CSDO, who is Managing Executive Officer) and Outside Officers are also counted as members of the committee in an advisory role to support the management and supervision of sustainability-related matters from an independent external perspective.

Starting April 1, 2019, we take the following steps to enhance our sustainability management organization:

  • A Chief Sustainable Development Officer serves as the head of the Sustainability Management Committee.
  • A Sustainability Management Department is established within the Corporate Staff (CS) Group to coordinate sustainability management among the Business Divisions, the CS Group, and our branches, offices and local subsidiaries.
  • A Sustainability Leader in charge of sustainability management is appointed in each Business Division, each department within the CS Group, and at each branch, office and overseas corporate subsidiary. A Sustainability Manager is also appointed in each business department.
Sustainability Management Organization
Sustainability Management Organization

Assessment of Sustainability Risk

ESG Risk Research/Analysis

As part of our efforts to strengthen ESG risk management, we have established the following framework for conducting research and analysis.

Risk Analysis of Existing Businesses

1. ESG Risk Analysis

Marubeni conducted research and analysis of all products and projects handled by the Company for potential ESG risks, through collaboration with an external consultant with objective perspectives and methods.
For the risk analysis, we referred to the ESG risk-related data published by international organizations, government organizations, research institutions, NGO organizations, etc., then narrowed down the focus to approximately 30 products and projects that are generally likely to have potential ESG risks, and carried out detailed risk analysis on them. For more information, please refer to the ESG Risk Research/Analysis Process below.

2. Sustainability of Consolidated Subsidiaries

In order to ensure sustainable business operations at the Marubeni Group's consolidated subsidiaries around the world, we conducted a sustainability survey of our consolidated subsidiaries from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 to the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021. No problems requiring immediate action were identified as a result of this survey. Since then, based on this result, we have continued to monitor risk factors, including the presence or absence of changes in their business models that could affect their sustainability risk profile.

3. Researching Supply Chain Risks

Marubeni communicates its Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy (hereinafter “Basic Policy”) to its suppliers, and requests their thorough understanding, as well as cooperation and compliance with the Basic Policy. We conduct due diligence analysis and risk assessment of all suppliers, new and existing, through questionnaires and on-site surveys. When a case of non-compliance is confirmed, we provide guidance or review our business with the supplier. By ensuring widespread and thorough understanding of the Basic Policy, we work to reduce social and environmental risk.

Sustainability Risk Assessment of Development Projects and Financing/Investment

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, Marubeni adopted a “Sustainability Assessment Tool” based on international risk management standards such as the Global Slavery Index and Corruption Perceptions Index, in order to conduct prior assessments of sustainability risks involved in new investments and development projects – environmental and social, particularly occupational health and safety, and human rights – to inform the decision-making procedure and respond to the needs of society.

Previously, we had been using an environmental assessment tool for projects to identify environmental risks. Consequently, we have adopted “Sustainability Assessment Tool” as a way of assessing and identifying overarching sustainability risks in recognition that ESG-based risk management with a broader scope and perspective is required for reflecting the growing expectations and demands of the stakeholders. Projects which are deemed to pose risks as a result of these checks are followed up with further inquiries and this process is repeated until all concerns have been dispelled.
Furthermore, when considering investment or loan projects internally, we quantify and visualize the carbon price as a reference value, based on the assumed GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) of each project. The carbon price used is a theoretical value which is comprehensively reviewed and calculated in-house using data from various external institutions. For FYE 3/2024, the annual average price was about €80/t-CO2.
The following table shows the number of assessments of risks identified through the application of this risk assessment tool to assess new projects in FYE 3/2024.

Process of Managing Sustainability Risk in Investments and Loans
Process of Managing Sustainability Risk in Investments and Loans
Number of Sustainability Risk Assessments in FYE 3/2024 by Risk Type


Climate change Water pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Noise/
Offensive odor
Chemicals Biodiversity Water resources Waste Other environmental issues Total
9 3 6 1 9 0 2 4 5 0 39

<Occupational Health and Safety>

Machine safety Fires and explosions Toxic substance exposure Infection Hazardous operations Other safety issues Total
11 7 5 0 13 0 36


Forced labor and human trafficking Child labor Working hours Wages and employment contracts Discrimination Harassment at work and disciplinary measures Respect for diversity Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
15 8 3 2 13 0 0 3
Land issues Negative social impact on local communities Indigenous peoples and cultural heritage Conflict minerals Privacy Animal welfare Responsible marketing Mitigation measures and administrative procedures (supply chain) Total
1 0 3 0 0 0 0 5 53

We also monitor the environmental and social impact of business projects initiated by our consolidated subsidiaries through the annual Sustainability Data Survey and conduct risk assessments. In addition, we are working to further strengthen the governance of the Marubeni Group through communication of the Marubeni Group Governance Policy and sharing its aims with Group companies, as well as strengthening their management by clarifying the roles of the Group companies and Marubeni as shareholder/owner.

ESG Risk Research/Analysis Process

Marubeni shares the Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy (hereinafter “Basic Policy”) with the suppliers, and thoroughly requests them to comprehend, as well as cooperate and comply with the Basic Policy. We conduct due diligence analysis and risk assessment through questionnaires and on-site surveys, to all suppliers, new and existing. When a non-compliance case is confirmed, we provide guidance or reconsider doing business with the supplier. By ensuring widespread and thorough understanding of the Basic Policy, we work to reduce social and environmental risk.

ESG Risk Research and Analysis Process
1. Preparation for ESG Risk Evaluation

Review and organize all products/projects handled by the Company

2. Conduct ESG Risk Primary Evaluation/Analysis

Step 1: Conduct ESG risk evaluation for all products/projects ⇒ Specify high-risk products/projects
Step 2: Conduct risk evaluation of high-risk products/projects by ESG issue ⇒ Narrow down to the final list of high-risk products/projects

3. Conduct ESG Risk Secondary Evaluation/Analysis

Step 1: Create risk profiles of the final high-risk products/projects
Step 2: Conduct general ESG country risk analysis for Marubeni’s supplier/project countries

General Environmental/Social Risk Evaluation in Supplier/Project Country (for image only)
  • General ESG country
    risk evaluation
    Supplier/project country
    Country A Country B Country C Country D Country E
    Environment Biodiversity high low very high high low
    Water use moderate moderate moderate low high
    Climate change low low high high low
    Natural disaster/
    high low moderate low high
    Social Working hours moderate high moderate low low
    Wages low low low low high
    Forced labor low low high low low
    Child labor high low moderate low moderate
    Governance Corporate
    moderate high moderate very high moderate

    * The levels for each country in the chart are not representations of actual research results.

  • The levels/areas are not representations of actual research results

    * The levels/areas are not representations of actual research results.

Engagement with Stakeholders

The Marubeni Group conducts business with the support of various stakeholders throughout the world. Marubeni recognizes the importance of diligently listening to the opinions of stakeholders, and moving forward together, based on an understanding of stakeholder interests and concerns, as well as the impact of the Company’s activities on society and the environment.

We conduct sustainability-specific interviews with various stakeholders to exchange views on environmental issues, including environmental management, as well as climate change, biodiversity, human capital, supply chain management, human rights, and occupational health and safety.

Stakeholders Approach Engagement methods
Customers & Business Partners Aiming to be a company that enjoys the trust and confidence of customers and business partners, we strive to develop and offer products and services that are useful to society as well as safe. Furthermore, we constantly strive to improve satisfaction and earn trust by responding sincerely to feedback from our customers and business partners.
  • Integrated Reports, official website
  • Responding sincerely based on the Marubeni Corporate Principles and Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy
  • Website inquiry and contact page
  • Supply Chain Sustainability Survey
Shareholders & Investors Marubeni is dedicated to meeting shareholders’ expectations. We strive thus to enhance our corporate value by responding to changes in the business environment and maintaining stable profitability. In addition, we work to boost corporate value from social and environmental perspectives, and also disclose pertinent information in a fair and timely manner.
  • Integrated Reports, official website and Shareholders' Reports
  • General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Briefings for retail investors
  • IR activities
  • Response to ESG investment Index survey organization
Local Community We aim to become a valued member of the local communities where we do business, and to contribute to the creation of robust local districts through improvement of living standards, creation of job opportunities for the local community, including youths, and offering employment with diversity and inclusion, being aware of gender and disabilities.
Overseas, we respect local laws, cultures and customs, and strive to operate our businesses in a way that contributes to local development. Furthermore, we are firmly opposed to antisocial forces and groups that threaten the order and safety of society.
  • Social welfare funding by the Marubeni Foundation
  • Support through scholarships and donations overseas
  • Association with NGOs and NPOs
  • Stakeholder dialogues
  • Activities implemented through business and industry groups *1
  • Receiving company tours
  • Cultural contributions through the Marubeni Collection
Employees We respect the individual values and life goals of each and every employee. We also work hard to eliminate all forms of discrimination and foster an atmosphere that is pleasant for all.
  • Employee Awareness surveys
  • Compliance Access Point (Marubeni Hotline (formerly, “Door of Courage”))
  • Marubeni Group magazine, Company intranet
  • Dialogue between management and employees
  • Discussions with the Marubeni Employee Union
  • Trainings
  • In accordance with the view of Japan Business federation (Keidanren) that corporate political donations play an important role as part of the contribution to society, and its high evaluations on Liberal Democratic Party of Japan in terms of policy making, Marubeni makes political donation as follows.
    Organization to donate: The People’s Political Association (political fund organization of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan)
    Political donation: FYE 3/2022: 28 million yen / FYE 3/2023: 28 million yen
    (The donation in each year is only to The People’s Political Association)
    We confirm that these donations are not in violation of our anti-corruption provision, “Prohibition on Bribes and Administration of Entertainment and Gifts”, stipulated in our Compliance Manual.
    Additionally, the Group's consolidated subsidiaries, and overseas branches and offices do not make political contributions, as stipulated by the Political Funds Control Act in Japan, and thus no such contributions were made in FYE 3/2023.

Marubeni Sustainability Information Session

Marubeni Sustainability Information Session | April 2022
Marubeni Sustainability Information Session | March 2021
Marubeni Sustainability Information Session | March 2019

Participation in International Initiatives


Participation in the UN Global Compact

In 2012, Marubeni declares its support for the UN Global Compact. In 2022, the Marubeni Group committed its support for the UN Global Compact and continues to realize the ideals of its principles by supporting and implementing these ten Principles in four areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Click here to view the UN Global Compact web site.

Human Rights
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
  • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; and
  • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  • Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Marubeni Corporation engages in activities as a Corporate Member of the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), the local network of United Nations Global Compact in Japan.
Working Groups, which are organized by theme, are held mainly by the network members of GCNJ. Marubeni takes part in the following Working Groups.

In FYE 3/2024 Committee of Supply Chain Working Group
Environmental Management Working Group
Human Rights Due Diligence Working Group
Anti-Corruption Working Group
Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group

Through the Human Rights Due Diligence Working Group, we study due diligence best practices for preventing human rights violations and apply these in initiatives for ensuring respect for human rights within the Company and throughout our supply chain.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs are shared goals of the international community, with the aim of achieving sustainable development socially, economically and environmentally.

In 2015 the UN adopted an agenda of 17 goals, with 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. SDGs are goals shared by governments, the private sector and civil society for achieving sustainability and leaving the world a better place for future generations. We have identified four categories of Environmental and Social Materiality in which the Marubeni Group can make a valuable contribution.


Click here to view the SDG website

Climate Change


Recognizing the importance of climate-related financial disclosures, the Marubeni Group affirmed the recommendations of the TCFD*2 in February 2019.
We are endeavoring to evaluate risks and opportunities engendered by climate change and to enhance related disclosure. In addition, we joined TCFD Consortium*3 of Japanese companies that affirm the recommendations of the TCFD.

Disclosure in line with the Recommendations of the TCFD

Endorsement of ISSB’s Statement “Championing the ISSB’s climate global baseline”
Endorsement of ISSB’s Statement “Championing the ISSB’s climate global baseline”

Marubeni endorsed the following statement on climate-related disclosure standards*4 issued by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28).

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Standard 1 (S1): General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS Standard 2 (S2): Climate-related Disclosures

Statement: “Championing the ISSB’s climate global baseline”

Climate risks are increasingly having a real effect on companies and capital. Therefore ― in response to calls for climate action at COP28 ― we support the establishment of market infrastructure to enable consistent, comparable climate-related disclosures at a global level. We are committed to advancing the adoption or use of the ISSB’s Climate Standard as the climate global baseline.

For more details, please see the IFRS website


Marubeni was selected by CDP*5, an international environmental non-profit organization, as an A-list company in their water security program and certified as a leading company in corporate sustainability (as of February 2024). This is the third time that Marubeni has been selected since 2021. Marubeni also received A- grades in the areas of Climate Change and Forest Protection.

  • CDP (an international environmental non-profit organization formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project)
    CDP is a global non-profit organization that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. Founded in 2000 and Marubeni has participated in the initiative of CDP since 2007. CDP is working with more than 740 financial institutions with over US$136 trillion in assets, CDP pioneered using capital markets and corporate procurement to motivate companies to disclose their environmental impacts, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Over 24,000 organizations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2023, with more than 23,000 companies – including listed companies worth two thirds global market capitalization - and over 1,100 cities, states and regions. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world and CDP scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions to achieve a zero-carbon, sustainable and resilient economy. CDP is a founding member of the Science Based Targets initiative, We Mean Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

This year's CDP A-List and other published scores can be found at here

Joining the GX League to Address Climate Change

Marubeni has joined the Green Transformation League (GX League) established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
The GX League includes companies working towards decarbonization as well as government bodies, academia, and the financial sector, and aims to bring about changes in economic and social systems. As such it will focus on emissions trading (GX-ETS) and the creation of sustainable markets. Marubeni will contribute to decarbonization and the reduction of Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions by participating in the GX League’s discussions on the formation of market rules (regarding voluntary credits and carbon offsets, etc.), utilizing our global expertise and know-how spanning a broad range of sectors, which is one of the strengths of a general trading company.

Plan for achieving the Low-Carbon Society

As a member of the Japan Foreign Trade Council (JFTC), Marubeni agrees with the Low-Carbon Society Plan proposed by Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), and takes part in the working groups and public meetings on climate change held by Keidanren and JFTC.
Marubeni takes climate change countermeasures in accordance with the policies of Keidanren’s commitment to a Low-Carbon Society. We have set the goal of reducing the energy use (electricity and gas) at the Tokyo Head Office by 10% or more in FYE 3/2026 relative to FYE 3/2016, by introducing energy-saving facilities etc.

The Global Environment Committee of The Japan Foreign Trade Council (JFTC)

Marubeni takes part in discussions related to environmental initiatives of trading companies, as a member of the Global Environment Committee of the Japan Foreign Trade Council (JFTC).
At the Committee, we make plans for the Voluntary Action on the Environment (Commitment to a Low Carbon Society and a Recycling-Based Society) for the trading company industry, grasp energy consumption, promote the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) activity, and incorporate new energy through our business activities.

Committee on Environment

We participate in the Committee on Environment, an environment- and energy-related committee of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) which promotes the mainstreaming of climate change countermeasures, circular economy, biodiversity, and the improvement of environmental regulations and systems, and works towards the realization of environmental policies that are compatible with the economy.

Japan Climate Initiative

The Marubeni subsidiary Mibugawa Power Company takes part in the Japan Climate Initiative and promotes renewable energy projects with the aim of creating a society that leaves a minimal carbon footprint.

Eco Action 21

Since 2005, Mibugawa Power Company has been participating in Eco Action 21, a program of the Ministry of the Environment. In registering for certification under this system, the company continues to “establish and operate effective and efficient methods for environmental initiatives, set environmental goals, take action, summarize, evaluate, and report results.” In 2015, the Eco Action 21 Central Secretariat presented the company with a letter of appreciation and a commemorative gift in recognition of these efforts. The company will continue to take positive action to protect the global environment by reducing waste, maintaining water quality, conserving energy, and resources, and conducting local environmental activities.

Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance (JSFA)

We have a full membership of the Japan Sustainable Fashion Alliance (JSFA), a platform for corporate collaboration that aims to jointly find solutions to sustainable fashion issues. With the goals of achieving “zero fashion loss through proper quantity of production and purchasing, recycling” and “carbon neutral of the fashion and textile industries in 2050,” we collaborate to identify solutions to the common issues that arise in the fashion and textile industries, and promote the transition to a sustainable fashion industry. As a company that identifies Climate Change as one of the categories of Environmental & Social Materiality, we participate within a leading role in the JSFA as a full member and will contribute to the transition to a sustainable fashion industry through the activities of the alliance.

Click here to view the JSFA website (Japanese only)


Marubeni is a member of “ACT FOR SKY”, an organization dedicated to the commercialization, dissemination, and expansion of domestically produced Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). With the urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions globally in order to tackle global warming, the aviation industry must accelerate the technological development, production, distribution, and use of SAF. Also, in response to the growing global demand for SAF, a stable supply of domestically produced SAF is essential in Japan. Marubeni has identified “contribution to climate change countermeasures” as one of four categories of our environmental and social materiality, and through “ACT FOR SKY” we will accelerate the commercialization, dissemination, and expansion of domestically produced SAF. At the same time, companies, local governments and others are acting together in cooperation and collaboration to promote the importance of SAF, carbon neutrality, and resource recycling, and to bring about new behaviors through changing the thinking of citizens and companies.

Click here for the ACT FOR SKY website (Japanese only)

Sustainable Forestry

Forest Management and Forestry Certification at Marubeni Group

The Marubeni Group currently owns forest plantation businesses in the two countries of Indonesia and Australia. Using a controlled cycle of planting, cultivation and management and harvesting focused on eucalyptus hardwoods that mature quickly in 6-10 years, we provide a stable and sustainable supply of wood resources for pulp and paper production. Based on the principle of No Deforestation, our sustainable forestry management practices prioritize natural and social capital by not harvesting natural forests. We also undertake proactive programs jointly with local communities.

Group company Location Nature of business Forestry certification
PT. Musi Hutan Persada (MHP) Indonesia Forest plantation business Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation*6
  • Sustainable Forest Management certification
WA Plantation Resources Pty., Ltd. (WAPRES) Australia Forest plantation/
wood chips production business
  • FM (Forest Management) certification
  • CoC (Chain of Custody, processing/distribution processes) certification
Responsible Wood*9
  • Sustainable Forest Management certification
  • Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation is a forest certification system in Indonesia endorsed and mutually recognized under the PEFC*7.
  • The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international system for forest certification that is based on a framework for mutual recognition of national forestry certification schemes. (PEFC/31-32-80)
  • The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a non-profit organization that operates an international forest certification scheme with the aim of promoting the worldwide adoption of responsible forest management practices. (FSC® C016260)
  • Responsible Wood is an Australian forest certification scheme endorsed and mutually recognized under the PEFC*7.

Conservation of Biodiversity and Habitats

Participation in the TNFD Forum

TNFD Forum is an organization which shares the vison and mission of Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*10, an international organization that builds a risk management and disclosure framework related to nature capital and biodiversity. Marubeni participated in the TNFD Forum in March 2022.
By participating in the TNFD Forum, Marubeni will continue to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, which is an urgent issue in the world along with climate change, through supporting the development of TNFD’s framework.

  • TNFD is an organization to build a risk management and disclosure framework related to natural capital and biodiversity, inspired by the 2019 World Economic Forum (Davos Conference). The mission of TNFD is to develop a disclosure framework for organizations to report, which aims to support a shift in global financial flows toward nature-positive outcomes.

Click here to view the TNFD Website

Registering Our Intent to Adopt the TNFD Recommendations as a TNFD Adopter
TNFD Recommendations as a TNFD Adopter

Marubeni registered its intent to adopt the TNFD Recommendations, becoming an TNFD Adopter*11.

  • TNFD Adopter is an initiative to allow organizations to register their intention to adopt the TNFD Recommendations via the TNFD website.

Adoption Pathway:

Our organization intends to publish its first TNFD-aligned disclosures alongside financial statements as part of the same reporting package for our financial year 2025 outcomes.

Click here to view the TNFD Adopters Website

Click here to view the list of organization which intend to start adopting the TNFD Recommendations

Endorsement of the Nature Positive Declaration

Marubeni endorsed the Nature Positive Declaration of the Japan Conference for 2030 Global Biodiversity Framework (J-GBF, chaired by Keidanren’s chairman, secretariat: Ministry of the Environment), and is working toward realizing Nature Positive in accordance with the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, in cooperation with the government, relevant ministries and agencies, and industry organizations.

Click here to view the Nature Positive Declaration of J-GBF (Japanese Only)

Support of the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren

In January 2020, the Company announced its agreement with and support of the Revision to “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” of October 2018 put out by the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation.

Click here to view the “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren and Action Policy” (Revised Edition)

Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL)

Marubeni is a full member of Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL), and promotes initiatives of fisheries, aquaculture, and chain of custody that considers environment, biodiversity, and sustainable use of fishery resources.
Marubeni will continue to contribute to sustainable fishery that is environmentally and ecologically friendly within our business as well as in our supply chain.

Click here to view the Marine Ecolabel Japan (MEL)

Support for “Sustainable Seafood Week 2023”

With increasing concern that seafood is being depleted from seas around the world, efforts are being made to shift toward sustainable use of marine resources. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Japan and, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Japan held the Sustainable Seafood Week (SSW) 2023 to further spread the awareness of sustainable seafood across Japan in October. The annual campaign started in 2014 and this time was the 10 year.
Sustainable seafood refers to seafood caught in MSC-certified fisheries that are properly managed in consideration of marine resources and the environment, or seafood raised in ASC-certified aquaculture farms that minimize environmental and social impacts. Marubeni has been promoting the handling of MSC certified products, which are guaranteed as natural marine products caught with consideration of marine resources and the environment, and ASC certified seafood, which are guaranteed as seafood products through environmentally and socially responsible aquaculture. Marubeni, through our Group company, supports the activities of the Sustainable Seafood Week that aim to spread the practice of sustainable seafood.

Click here to view the Sustainable Seafood Week 2023 web site (Japanese only)

Respect for Human Rights

Forum on Business and Human Rights

Marubeni participates in the annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, and strive to share our experience and grasp the latest trends for promoting respect for human rights among corporations, based on the UNʼs Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Industrial Federation for Human Rights

Marubeni participates in the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo and continue to raise awareness of human rights of the Directors, the Executive Officers and the employees by sharing issues and holding dialogues with its member companies.

Supply Chain


Cia Iguaçu de Café Solúvel and Marubeni Foods Corporation, Marubeni’s subsidiary companies, take part in the platform of Sedex*12 for coffee and other beverage raw materials, and collaborates with suppliers on respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, reduction of environmental impact, and quality assurance in the supply chain.

  • Sedex: A global ethical trading service provider dedicated to improving working conditions in global supply chains.

Marubeni America Corporation, Marubeni International (Europe) GmbH, a subsidiary company of Marubeni Europe plc, and operating companies (Marubeni Intex Co., Ltd. and Marubeni Techno Rubber Corporation) are subscribed to EcoVadis*13.
Marubeni will build sustainable supply chains, strengthen risk management, and expand ethical business practices.

  • EcoVadis: A global cloud-based SaaS platform that provides comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) assessment services.

Marubeni Corporation joined RSPO in 2015 to procure certified palm oil sustainably.

ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification)

Marubeni Corporation, Marubeni America Corporation, Marubeni International (Europe) GmbH, Marubeni ASEAN Pte. Ltd., Marubeni Plax Corporation, Marubeni Petroleum Co. Ltd. and Marubeni Energy Europe Limited (hereinafter referred to as the seven Marubeni Group companies), have obtained accreditation from the ISCC regarding promotion of the sustainable production of biomass (fuels, agricultural products, forest materials, waste and residues, non-living biomass, and recycled carbon materials) in their supply chains, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as sustainable land use, conserving biodiversity, and progress towards a sustainable society.
The seven Marubeni Group companies commit and declare their compliance with the ISCC requirements in accordance with the latest ISCC regulations.

Responsibility to Customers

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Signed by Asset Management Company

Japan REIT Advisors Co., Ltd. (JRA), a Marubeni Group company in the real estate asset management business, has been conducting the investment management for United Urban Investment Corporation (UUR). In November 2018, JRA signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and became a PRI signatory.

Click here for details on PRI
News Release: Japan REIT Advisors Co., Ltd. Recognized as a Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Signatory

As a diversified J-REIT, UUR aims to reduce various risks and secure medium- to long-term stable earnings by making real estate investments in diverse assets and locations in each regional economic zone with the focus on the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. Aiming for the realization of a society that is sustainable, diverse and inclusive, UUR and JRA have been engaged in real estate investment and management with consideration for ESG. Upon acquisition of real estate properties, JRA will conduct adequate due diligence and carefully examines not only profitability but also impact on the environment (e.g. asbestos, soil contamination), tenants (e.g. antisocial forces, labor environment), and surrounding area (e.g. relationship with the relevant community, influence of traffic congestion on surrounding environment, etc.) before making investment decisions.
One of the metrics to manage climate-related risks and opportunities is the environment certification coverage rate for the portfolio of United Urban. We set a medium-term target of an 80% rate (based on gross floor area) by 2024. As a result of acquiring new environmental certifications and continued efforts to re-acquire them for properties for which they would expire, we had reached 75.1% as of May 31, 2023.
As a result of these initiatives, in the 2022 GRESB Real Estate Assessment, the annual benchmark that assesses sustainability practices in the real estate sector, United Urban received “4 Stars” in GRESB Rating, which is based on GRESB Overall Score and its quintile position relative to global participants for the second consecutive year. It also won the “Green Star” designation for the eighth consecutive year by achieving high performance both in “Management Component” that evaluates policies and organizational structure for ESG promotion, and “Performance Component” that assesses environmental performance and tenant engagement of properties owned.
In the MSCI ESG ratings, United Urban received an “AA” rating, the second highest of seven ratings, and has been added to the constituents of MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index.
UUR and JRA will continue to make further efforts to achieve asset management that considers ESG in the future.

Click here to view the “United Urban Investment Corporation” web site.
Click here to view the policies for ESG promotion and specific approaches, initiatives for external ESG recognition

Click here to view the “Japan REIT Advisors Co., Ltd.” web site.

Japan Food Additives Association

The Japan Food Additives Association (JAFA) is comprised of companies and organizations that are involved in the production, import, sale and use of food additives in Japan. The association was established in October 1982 as a nation-wide consolidated body with the addition of new members.
JAFA works under the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and other related government agencies with the objectives of providing members with accurate knowledge pertaining to the production, sale, and use of food additives, and promoting consumer understanding of safety and utility. In addition, JAFA seeks to contribute to the sound development of food-related industries, and to better consumer dietary habits and public hygiene.
The Marubeni Group gathers information about the safety and functionality of food additives from JAFA, and conducts its businesses appropriately, receiving advice on matters such as labeling for food additives and interpretations of the relevant laws.

Japan Food Additives Association

All Japan Coffee Fair Trade Conference

The All Japan Coffee Fair Trade Conference formulated the Fair Competition Code for Labeling of Regular Coffee and Instant Coffee Products, designed to aid consumers in the purchase of regular coffee and instant coffee products. The code was recognized by the Japan Fair Trade Commission on November 13, 1991, and a notification was published in the Kanpo (the official gazette of the Japanese Government) on November 27, with full enforcement starting from May 28, 1993.
On November 29, 1991, the conference was inaugurated as a discretionary body with membership consisting of coffee-related business operators who agree with the objectives of the conference. It is dedicated to ensuring the fair labeling of coffee products.
The Marubeni Group receives advice regarding coffee labeling and related matters from the All Japan Coffee Fair Trade Conference.

All Japan Coffee Fair Trade Conference (Japanese only)

Japan Soft Drink Association

The Japan Soft Drink Association is an industry organization that prioritizes shared benefit and public good. The association aims to ensure rigorous compliance with laws and regulations among soft drink manufacturers, sellers, and related businesses, and facilitates smooth coordination of activities between association members and the government. It also promotes, supports, and provides guidance on corporate social responsibility, encourages healthy consumption of soft drinks, and spreads awareness and knowledge relating to soft drinks.
Through the Japan Soft Drink Association, the Marubeni Group receives advice on matters such as beverage labeling and quality management.

Japan Soft Drink Association

Society of Soft Drink Technologists, Japan

The Society of Soft Drink Technologists, Japan was launched in 1992 with the objective of providing a forum for soft drink technologists and researchers to meet and exchange information, while furthering technological innovation and skill development. The society works to provide technical support so that the soft drink industry can continue to develop in harmony with the public interest.
Through the Society of Soft Drink Technologists, Japan the Marubeni Group receives advice on matters such as beverage labeling and quality management.

Society of Soft Drink Technologists, Japan (Japanese only)

Association for the Safety of Imported Food, Japan

Companies engaging in the import, production, distribution, or sales of food volunteered to form an association and began activities in November 1988. They established this association with the aim of doing all they could to improve problems related to securing imported food safety.
In recognition of its achievements, the association became an incorporated association in September 1992 with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (now known as the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare). Further, on April 1, 2011, it was authorized as a public interest corporation and became the Association for the Safety of Imported Food, Japan. It engages in a wide range of activities to help food business operators to fulfill their social responsibility to deliver safe, secure imported food.
The Marubeni Group collects information about the safety of imported processed food and fresh food (including information about residual agricultural chemicals, food additives, and genetic modification) through the Association for the Safety of Imported Food, Japan. We reflect the contents of the information in checking new business partners and suppliers and in conducting factory audits of suppliers, thus promoting the safety of imported food.

Association for the Safety of Imported Food, Japan (Japanese only)

Japan Food Hygiene Association

The Food Sanitation Act was established in 1947 to address hazards resulting from eating and drinking and contribute to improving and promoting public health. On November 1, 1948, companies engaged in food-related businesses established the Japan Food Hygiene Association, an incorporated association, for the purpose of cooperating with the government in line with the purpose of the Food Sanitation Act and implementing voluntary sanitation management.
Since its establishment, this association has been engaged in a number of activities for the benefit of the public through its organizations all over Japan. They include the activities of food hygiene instructors for food business operators, which are aimed at improving food hygiene and establishing a voluntary management system, food testing and inspection, the promotion of food business operators' mutual aid system to be used when paying indemnities, the holding of various training sessions, the distribution and dissemination of books on food hygiene, the provision of information to consumers, and the promotion of international cooperation and research related to food hygiene.
The Marubeni Group is striving to improve food hygiene and its management systems related to securing the safety of processed food, by referring to guidelines and the latest information provided by the Japan Food Hygiene Association.

Japan Food Hygiene Association (Japanese only)

Marubeni Corporation