Forest Management Policy
1. Introduction
Marubeni Group (hereinafter the “Company”) promotes sustainable forest management by conducting fair and upright corporate activities in accordance with the spirit of the Company Creed of “Fairness, Innovation and Harmony”. We recognize that forests are renewable resources that provide various benefits for sustaining life on earth, and embrace economically viable forest management methods with the aim of ensuring the prosperity of present and future generations.
We strive to contribute to the establishment of a circular economy by creating innovation in the utilization of forest resources and responding to the society’s environmental needs that are becoming more diverse.
The Forest Management Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) drives our commitments to sustainable forest management, the protection of forests with high conservation value (HCV*1) and the elimination of unregulated forest logging in our business activities. We, through our focus on on-site operations, are able to create economic benefits and contribute to society by conducting sustainable forest management through coexistence and co-prosperity with local communities, as well as supplying environmentally conscious wood resources that respond to society's needs.
2. Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all woodchip and pulp manufacturing and forest plantation operations by Marubeni and its subsidiaries worldwide.
3. Commitments
We go beyond compliance in our commitments to sustainable forest management. Through this Policy, we reaffirm our commitment to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relevant to forestry operations and seek to extend this obligation to our contractors and their employees.
(1)Natural Capital
In implementing sustainable forest management, we commit to the following guidelines on the principle of No Deforestation:
- Only handling wood resources managed in a sustainable and appropriate way.
- No conversion of natural forests in forest plantation developments.
- Proactively addressing protection of HCV forests in our forest management from the viewpoint of biodiversity conservation.
- No forest plantation operations in HCV forests or on peatland.
- Committing to a “No Burn Policy” that restricts the use of fire in forest plantation operations that can potentially cause forest fires in tropical forest areas.
- Minimizing the impact of logging and related logging access roads construction on ecosystems.
- Proactively addressing the protection of species at risk of extinction included in IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List of Threatened Species.
- Restricting the usage of alien species only to cases where impact is manageable.
- Following international best practices for soil management.
- Not using any pesticides classified as Class 1A/1B in the classification scheme of the WHO (World Health Organization), or any substances regulated by the Rotterdam Convention and the Stockholm Convention as pesticides.
- Not using genetic modification technology in forest management.
- Effective utilization of trees damaged by natural disasters such as burned trees, fallen trees, drift wood etc.
(2)Social Capital
We commit to the social and economic development of the areas where we operate and seek to identify opportunities to create shared values with local communities. We recognize the importance of land use rights for local communities and indigenous people and their right to enjoy a fair share of the benefits obtainable from the commercial use of forest resources. Marubeni Group follows the principles regarding human rights described in the Basic Policy on Human Rights, and conducts the following activities as a responsible party:
- Committing to provide a safe and productive work environment, and not tolerating any form for child labor, forced labor, discrimination, harassment or abuse.
- Following the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) when starting new forestry operations on the lands where indigenous and local communities hold legal or customary rights.
- Establishing grievance and conflict resolution mechanisms compliant with international standards and the regulatory requirements of the host countries of our forestry operations, as well as engaging in good-faith dialogue with stakeholders to resolve any issues.
- Actively carrying out stakeholder engagement on local, national and international scales.
- Respecting the rights of every worker.
We are contributing to economic and social development of areas where we operate through the following initiatives:
- Creating employment opportunities for local residents (priority allocation of contracts for forest plantation related work)
- Joint programs with local residents (Joint Forestry, Agriculture and Forest Products Harvesting Programs, etc.)
- Support activities for local residents (support for indigenous people, vocational training, disaster prevention drills, voluntary provision of daily necessities, etc.)
- Educational support (scholarships, construction or renovation and extension of schools, dispatching of teachers, operational support, etc.)
- Other community support (support for infrastructure equipment repair, sports events, etc.)
(3)International Standards
We promote the main principles outlined in international standards relevant to the forestry industry (forest plantations, woodchips and pulp manufacturing) in our own operations as part of our commitment to sustainable forest management.
(4)Environmental and Social Risk Assessment
We conduct the necessary environmental and social risk assessment prior to the completion of land acquisitions or land developments for new operations.
4. Governance
The Policy is approved by Marubeni’s Board of Directors. Oversight of the Policy is by the Chairperson of Sustainability Management Committee with implementation by the Business Group.
(2)Links to Other Policies
The Policy complements other sustainability related policies of the Company including the Basic Policy on Human Rights and Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy.
(3)Policy Management
We will review the Policy at least once a year, or as new information and knowledge becomes available, in ways that are consistent with our objectives of sustainable forest management.
(4)Certification Audit and Monitoring
We hold international certification for sustainable forest management and CoC (Chain of Custody) certification to manage distribution and processing. As a result, accredited bodies conduct regular auditing and monitoring of these certifications.
(5)Information Disclosure
In addition to increasing the transparency of our business activities, we are committed to disclose information on our approach to sustainable forest management on the Company website etc.
- HCV forests are forests that have a High Conservation Value in social, cultural and or environmental terms.
Procurement Policy (Forest-derived Products)
1. Introduction
The Marubeni Group (hereinafter referred to as “we”) conducts fair and upright corporate activities in accordance with the spirit of its Company Creed of “Fairness, Innovation and Harmony” and strives to build a sustainable society together with its business partners in line with the “Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy.”
We have established the Product Procurement Policy (Forest-derived Products) (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) to promote the procurement of timber and related products produced from appropriately managed forests, thereby realizing the sustainable use of forest resources.
This Policy has been approved by Marubeni’s Board of Directors. The Chairperson of the Sustainability Management Committee oversees the Policy, and the Business Group is in charge of its effective implementation. We undertake to review this Policy at least annually and revise it as necessary.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to the trading of timber and related products by Marubeni and its subsidiaries worldwide. Specifically, it covers logs, woodchips (including fuel woodchips), wood pellets, pulp, paper and paperboard products (hereinafter referred to as “procured products”).
3. Commitment
In cooperation with suppliers and customers, we are committed to ensuring the traceability of procured products while conducting our procurement activities in accordance with the Basic Supply Chain Sustainability Policy and the following principles.
- (1) No handling of procured products produced from illegally logged timber.
- (2) No handling of products procured from suppliers involved in serious environmental and social controversies, such as the destruction of forests with high conservation value.
- (3) No handling of procured products produced from genetically modified wood.
- (4) Promoting the handling of procured products that have been certified under a reliable international forest certification system.
In order to promote this Policy, we will investigate the environmental and social considerations of suppliers as well as their compliance with laws and regulations. In the event that any non-compliance with this Policy is discovered, consultations and requests for improvement measures will be made. If the non-compliant supplier does not improve, we will review our business relationship with the relevant supplier.
We will regularly disclose information on this Policy. We are committed to promoting to society the sustainable use of forest resources through appropriate communication with our suppliers and customers and other stakeholders.
Forest Management and Forestry Certification at Marubeni Group

The Marubeni Group currently owns forest plantation businesses in the two countries of Indonesia and Australia with a total of approximately 120,000 hectares of tree plantable land (the total work area is approximately 300,000 hectares). Using a controlled cycle of planting, cultivation and management and harvesting focused on eucalyptus hardwoods that mature quickly in 6-10 years, we provide a stable and sustainable supply of wood resources for pulp and paper production. Based on the principle of No Deforestation, our sustainable forestry management practices prioritize natural and social capital by not harvesting natural forests. We also undertake proactive programs jointly with local communities.
Group company | Location | Nature of business | Forestry certification |
PT. Musi Hutan Persada (MHP) | Indonesia | Forest plantation business |
Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation*1
WA Plantation Resources Pty., Ltd. (WAPRES) | Australia | Forest plantation/ woodchips production business |
Responsible Wood*4
The Marubeni Group’s Forest management is operated in accordance with standards established by forest certification systems. In MHP, which operates the forest plantation business in Indonesia, wood harvested from the plantation managed by MHP is supplied as 100% certified wood as of March 31, 2023.
The Marubeni Group will continue to manage the supply chain for manufacturing pulp and paper in a sustainable manner*5.
- Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation is a forest certification system in Indonesia endorsed and mutually recognized under the PEFC*2.
- The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international system for forest certification that is based on a framework for mutual recognition of national forestry certification schemes. (PEFC/31-32-80)
- The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a non-profit organization that operates an international forest certification scheme with the aim of promoting the worldwide adoption of responsible forest management practices. (FSC® C016260)
- Responsible Wood is an Australian forest certification scheme endorsed and mutually recognized under the PEFC*2.
- The Marubeni Group has businesses that span the pulp and paper supply chain.
(Consolidated subsidiaries)
Group company | Location | Nature of business |
PT. Tanjungenim Lestari Pulp and Paper (TEL) | Indonesia | Production and sale of wood pulp |
Koa Kogyo Co., Ltd. | Japan | Manufacturing and sales of containerboard and printing paper |
Fukuyama Paper Co., Ltd. | Japan | Manufacturing and sales of corrugating medium and paper tubes |
Kraft of Asia Paperboard & Packaging Co., Ltd | Vietnam | Manufacturing and sales of containerboard |
Marubeni Forest LinX Co., Ltd. | Japan | Paper, chemical products, and paper products wholesale business |
(As of April 2024)
Initiatives toward Forest-derived Products
Due Diligence
To ensure the procurement of products in accordance with the Procurement Policy (Forest-derived Products), Marubeni conducts due diligence (hereinafter “DD”) on the suppliers’ status of compliance with laws, respect for human rights, preservation of the environment, fair trade, health and safety, etc. Results of the DD in FYE 3/2024 showed that of the 540 suppliers of timber and related products, the 39 major suppliers (with an annual turnover of 1 billion yen or more) exhibited no significant problems within the scope of the DD.
This survey covered 79% of Marubeni’s annual turnover of forest-derived products. We have been gradually expanding the scope of DD since FYE 3/2020, and from FYE 3/2024, we conduct DD of high-impact suppliers, regardless of whether or not they have been investigated in the past.
Our target and aim
Through the due diligence on suppliers of forest-derived products, the Marubeni Group will consider the protection of natural forests and the sustainable use of forest resources and will promote initiatives aimed at ensuring that new and existing suppliers are aware of and comply with the Group's Procurement Policy (Forest-derived products) and that traceability of procured products is ensured.
Overview of the FYE 3/2024 Survey
■Scope of Application
Based on our Procurement Policy (Forest-derived Products), the survey covered the timber and related products handled by the Group.
■Selection of Applicable Suppliers and Implementation Method
A 3-step process has been set up in consideration of the impact on Marubeni’s business and sustainability-related risks.
① First stage of DD: Internal preliminary survey
We first selected the 39 major suppliers (with an annual turnover of 1 billion yen or more) out of our 540 suppliers of timber and related products. Of these 39 suppliers, 18 companies were identified as subjects for the second stage of DD. These 18 companies handle products other than certified wood from an entity which has acquired forest certification (FSC*1 certification, PEFC*2 certification, and certified wood under a mutual certification agreement with PEFC) and controlled wood based on a forest certification system (FSC controlled wood*3, PEFC controlled sources*4, and controlled wood based on a certification system under a mutual certification agreement with PEFC).
② Second stage of DD: Sustainability questionnaire survey
Sustainability questionnaire survey was conducted on the 18 companies identified in the first stage of DD. As a result, no significant problems were confirmed with these 18 companies.
FYE 3/2020 to FYE 3/2024, a cumulative total of 59 companies were identified as the subjects for the sustainability questionnaire survey.
③ Third stage of DD: Detailed onsite inspection
Suppliers whose status of compliance with laws, respect for human rights, preservation of the environment, fair trade, health and safety, etc. could not be sufficiently confirmed are subject to a detailed onsite inspection. If these suppliers do not undertake measures to mitigate the risks identified in the survey, Marubeni would consider reevaluating these transactions. In FYE 3/2024, no suppliers were identified as requiring the third stage of DD.
- Certification by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) (FSC® C016260): An NPO established to promote responsible forestry around the world and operates systems of international forest certification.
- Certification by PEFC (The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification): An international forest certification system, which endorses mutual recognition of forest certification systems of various countries.
- FSC controlled wood: While not FSC certified wood, FSC controlled wood is timber, which may be combined with FSC certified wood to manufacture FSC certified wood. Compliance of FSC controlled wood must be confirmed based on the criteria for FSC controlled wood.
- PEFC controlled sources: While not PEFC certified wood, PEFC controlled sources are timber, which may be combined with PEFC certified wood to manufacture FSC certified wood. Compliance of PEFC controlled sources must be confirmed based on the criteria for PEFC controlled sources.
Initiatives for Reducing Environmental Impact
Koa Kogyo’s Initiatives
As a resource conservation measure, Marubeni’s consolidated subsidiary Koa Kogyo Co., Ltd. is working to reduce the amount of water resources it uses in the production process.
Since large quantities of water are needed in papermaking operations, Koa Kogyo secures the necessary water from both industrial and well water sources and recycles water in the manufacturing process. In wastewater, strict water quality standards are met by using activated sludge tanks to reduce chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and by purifying water.
Koa Kogyo is also working to reduce waste volume. By pulping wastepaper using a high-consistency pulper, Koa Kogyo can recycle paper that was previously incinerated because it could not be processed. Furthermore, all combustible garbage is disposed of utilizing high-temperature incinerators, and the thermal energy is recovered and used for thermal recycling. Because it processes waste at high temperatures of 900–1,000°C, this incinerator emits virtually no toxic dioxins and meets environmental standards for NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions.
In addition, Koa Kogyo collects wastepaper and office waste to be recycled and reused as paperboard. By doing so, the company has established a closed recycling system with customers and is reducing the burden on the environment.
Click here to view Koa Kogyo’s environmental initiatives (Japanese only)
Initiatives to Expand the Volume of Carbon Stocks and Create Negative Emissions in Forestry Business
Conclusion of a Strategic Partnership Agreement for an Afforestation Project in Indonesia, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. and Our Plantation Company, PT. MHP
In March 2022, Marubeni Corporation and Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. signed a strategic partnership agreement aimed at increasing forest growing stock through Nippon Paper Industries’ technical guidance to PT. MHP, an Indonesian plantation company wholly owned by Marubeni Corporation.
Under the terms of the agreement, Marubeni will accept support and guidance on Nippon Paper Industries’ proprietary afforestation technologies, including genetic analysis technology and breeding/propagation technology in order to improve forest stock per unit area in PT. MHP.
Click here to view more details on our initiatives
Indonesia/PT. TEL Decarbonization Project
Marubeni signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in February 2022 with PT. Pertamina (Persero), an Indonesian state-owned oil company, for the joint development of decarbonization projects in Indonesia.
Through this MOU, we will work on the joint development of a wide range of decarbonization projects, including a biomass-derived carbon dioxide capture and storage business generated by PT. TEL, our pulp manufacturing and sales company in Indonesia, the so-called Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage, or ’BECCS’, project, the creation of carbon credits, and the utilization of biomass resources.
Click here to view more details on our initiatives
Consideration of Forest Management and Afforestation Projects Aiming for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Corporate Support Initiatives for Decarbonization
With an eye on the development, dissemination, and market expansion of forest-derived carbon credit programs, we consider industrial and environmentally-conscious afforestation projects through reforestation. In Japan and the Philippines, we are working to establish carbon credit programs through carbon dioxide sequestration.
Click here to view initiatives in the Philippines
Click here to view initiatives in Japan (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)
Click here to view initiatives in Japan (Daisen City, Akita Prefecture)
Click here to view initiatives in Japan (Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture)
Joint Development of “Forestrike,” Decarbonization Impact Finance
The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd. (NCB), Marubeni and e-dash Co., Ltd. together announce the development of “Forestrike,” an impact finance*1 loan product for the realization of a carbon-neutral society, as well as its launch at NCB.
The Japanese government’s 2050 Carbon Neutrality Declaration and other initiatives have increased corporate interest in decarbonization. In order to meet the needs of such companies, the three companies have collaborated to develop this product as a decarbonization that includes visualization of GHG emissions, support for KPI design and achievement, and voluntary carbon offsetting*2.

This is the first time in Japan that a general trading company, a financial institution, and a start-up company have jointly developed a loan product to support corporate decarbonization efforts. Through this product, the three companies will continue to support companies working to decarbonize their businesses.
- Impact finance is a type of financing which is intended to produce positive environmental, social, and economic impacts while ensuring an appropriate risk-return profile.
- Carbon offsetting in Japan is an initiative in which members of society recognize their own greenhouse gas emissions and voluntarily make efforts to reduce them, while at the same time compensating for emissions that are difficult to reduce, in whole or in part, by purchasing credits for greenhouse gas emission reductions or absorption achieved elsewhere, or by implementing projects or activities that reduce or absorb emissions elsewhere.
The carbon offset service for this product is a voluntary carbon offset scheme and is not applied to the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy, or other regulations.