Independent Assurance Report
The environmental data marked with ★ and ☆ for the year ended March 31, 2024 are assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., through an independent assurance engagement in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE) 3000 “Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information” (revised December 2013) and ISAE 3410 “Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements” (June 2012).
KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. Independent Assurance Report[1.9MB]
Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
<Click here[721KB] to view greenhouse gas emissions metrics and targets>
〈Scope 1 & 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions〉
- (Unit: t-CO2e)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | ||
Scope 1 | Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices | 4 | 12 | 75 | 120 | 121 |
Marubeni Corporation’s other offices + consolidated subsidiaries | 773,194 | 797,963 | 1,016,412 | 1,000,004 | 948,704 | |
Sub total | 773,198 | 797,975 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (683,025 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
1,016,487 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (896,877 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
1,000,124 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (849,910 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
948,825★ (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (790,865★ (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
Scope 2 | Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices | 2,307 | 2,146 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Marubeni Corporation’s other offices + consolidated subsidiaries | 308,193 | 280,025 | 222,559 | 221,821 | 254,928 | |
Sub total | 310,500 | 282,171 | 222,559 | 221,821 | 254,928★ | |
Grand total | 1,083,698 | 1,080,146 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (965,196 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
1,239,046 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (1,119,436 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
1,221,946 (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (1,071,731 (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
1,203,753★ (Including non-energy-related GHG emissions*1) (1,045,793★ (Excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)) |
- CO2 emission factors for fuels and steam
CO2 emission factors stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (version before April 2024 enforcement) are used. - CO2 emission factors for electricity
Emission factors (adjusted emission factors) for each electric power provider released by the Ministry of the Environment are used for Marubeni Corporation.
Alternative emission factor stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures was replaced by Emission factors (adjusted emission factors) for each electric power provider for the domestic consolidated subsidiaries from FYE 3/2021. The impact on emissions due to the change in emission factors is a decrease of 7,627 t-CO2e.
Country-specific emission factors (CO2 emissions per kWh from electricity generation) published by the International Energy Agency are used for the overseas consolidated subsidiaries. A zero-emission factor is applied to purchased electricity derived from renewable energy in calculating Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions since FYE 3/2021. - Emission factors of non-energy-related GHG
Emission factors stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (version before April 2024 enforcement) are used. - Non-energy-related GHG emissions are not included in GHG emissions before FYE 3/2020.
From FYE 3/2021, non-energy-related GHG emissions are included in GHG emissions, however, Scope 1 emissions excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions and grand total emissions excluding non-energy-related GHG emissions are also presented separately. - Since FYE 3/2022 Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices have achieved zero Scope 2 by purchasing 100% renewable energy for electricity at domestic offices of Marubeni Corporation and procuring J-credits derived from renewable energy heat for steam and cold water purchased as energy at the Tokyo Head Office.
〈Scope 1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Components of non-energy-related GHG emissions*1)〉
- (Unit: t-CO2e)
FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | ||
Total amount | 114,950 | 119,610 | 150,214 | 157,960 | |
Components | Carbon dioxide (CO2) | 5,203 | 9,500 | 31,740 | 31,192 |
Methane (CH4) | 72,081 | 71,658 | 75,149 | 76,979 | |
Dinitrogen monoxide (N2O) | 36,602 | 38,096 | 42,612 | 49,196 | |
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) | 1,064 | 355 | 712 | 593 | |
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Non-energy-related GHG emissions cover carbon dioxide from the use of dry ice, carbon dioxide, methane, and dinitrogen monoxide from waste incineration or use in the manufacture of products and the use of waste fuels, methane and dinitrogen monoxide from the use of fuel in facilities and machinery used for fuel combustion, livestock waste management, methane from livestock feeding (fermentation in the digestive tract of livestock), hydrofluorocarbons in the recovery and encapsulation of HFCs in the maintenance of commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, and sulfur hexafluoride in the use of electrical machinery and equipment such as transformers. There are no emissions of perfluorocarbons and nitrogen trifluoride. For sulfur hexafluoride, there are no companies obliged to report based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
The total of each breakdown and the overall total may not match due to rounding.
〈Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions〉
Marubeni is voluntarily disclosing a part of the data by categorizing its supply chain activities and calculating the GHG emissions in each category in line with the GHG Protocol guidelines.
- (Unit: million t-CO2e)
Category | FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
1 | Purchased goods and services | - | - | - | - | 36 |
2 | Capital goods | - | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.4 |
3 | Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) | - | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 4 |
4 | Upstream transportation and distribution | - | 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 1 |
5 | Waste generated in operations | - | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
6 | Business travel | - | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
7 | Employee commuting | - | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
8 | Upstream leased assets | - | Included in Scope 1 and 2 |
Included in Scope 1 and 2 |
Included in Scope 1 and 2 |
Included in Scope 1 and 2 |
9 | Downstream transportation and distribution | - | Included in Category 4 | Included in Category 4 | Included in Category 4 | Included in Category 4 |
10 | Processing of sold products | - | - | - | - | 1 |
11 | Use of sold products | - | - | - | - | 18 |
12 | End-of-life treatment of sold products | - | - | - | - | 3 |
13 | Downstream leased assets | - | - | - | - | 0.3 |
14 | Franchises | - | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable | Not applicable |
15 | Investments | 26 | 25 | 25 | 22 | 25☆ |
Breakdown | Power generation | 22 | 21 | 21 | 19 | 23 |
Resource projects | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Other businesses | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Total | 26 | 25 | 25 | 23 | 89 |
The breakdowns of Category 15 and the total value for Category 15 may not match due to rounding.
The total of each category and the overall total may not match due to rounding (the data was updated on March 19, 2025, with additional categories added, excluding Scope 3 Category 15).
The calculation categories: Until FYE 3/2023, the calculation included only Categories 2 to 9 and 15. Starting from FYE 3/2024, Categories 1 and 10 to 13 have been included in the calculation.
Applicable to Categories 1 to 14:
- The boundary of calculation: The calculation includes both Marubeni Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries. For Categories 3 and 4, the boundary has been expanded starting from FYE 3/2024.
- Double counting between companies included in the calculation is excluded when clearly identified.
- In trading, transactions with purchases from or sales to collectors, import/export agents, wholesalers, or intermediaries (i.e., transactions with traders) are excluded when clearly identified.
- Emissions factors: Primarily using the Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis (IDEA) from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Additionally, values from the IEA’s country-specific CO2 emission factors (CO2 emissions per kWh from electricity generation), the Ministry of the Environment's emission intensity database, and LCA literature for various industries are also used.
- References: Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol), Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions (GHG Protocol), Estimating Petroleum Industry Value Chain (Scope 3) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association, IPIECA), The Product Carbon Footprint Guideline for the Chemical Industry (Together for Sustainability), etc.
Category 1: Includes fertilizers, grains, chemicals, and other products.
Category 4: Until FYE 3/2023, the calculation covered only domestic contracted transportation as a consignor for Marubeni Corporation within Japan. Starting from FYE 3/2024, the calculation includes international maritime transportation, both departing from and arriving in Japan, for Marubeni Corporation as well as its consolidated subsidiaries basis within Japan.
Category 10: Sales of intermediate products and raw materials are excluded when the processing stages up to the final product cannot be traced.
Category 11: Includes fossil fuels and other products.
Category 15:
- Category 15 covers Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for associate investees of the Marubeni Group accounted for using the equity method, (hereinafter, “associate investees”), which are not included in the Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions of Marubeni Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. The emissions are calculated by multiplying by our equity share. Emissions from businesses designated to be liquidated or sold, renewable energy businesses, and businesses which consist of office operations only are not included.
- Generally, emissions are calculated using the same methods as Scope 1 and Scope 2 for Marubeni Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. However, in some cases, emissions reported by associate investees and estimated emissions are included.
- For overseas power generation projects, emission factors from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories are used, including CO2, CH4, and N2O. All emissions from coal are calculated assuming weight on an air-dried basis.
Energy and Electricity Consumption
<Click here to view Tokyo Head Office’s targets to be achieved by FYE 3/2026>
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Electricity consumption of Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices (Unit: MWh) | 5,227 | 4,629 | 8,888 | 8,956 | 9,086 |
Energy consumption of Marubeni Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries (Unit: TJ) | 15,303 | 13,771 | 17,515 | 16,992 | 16,056★ |
- 3.6 GJ/MWh is used for heat value per unit for electricity.
- For fuels, the heat values stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (version before April 2024 enforcement) are used.
- Biomass energy is not included.
- From FYE 3/2022, Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices have been purchasing 100% renewable energy for electricity at domestic offices of Marubeni Corporation and procuring J-credits derived from renewable energy heat for steam and cold water purchased as energy at the Tokyo Head Office.
Environmental Impact of Transport
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Amount transported (Thousand ton-km) | 484,678 | 364,538 | 266,675 | 220,170 | 207,757★ |
CO2 emissions from upstream transportation (Scope 3 Category 4) (t-CO2e) | 22,617 | 17,516 | 13,768 | 11,787 | 10,246★ |
Intensity (kl crude oil equivalent per thousand ton-km) | 0.0173 | 0.0178 | 0.0192 | 0.0199 | 0.0182★ |
- This table shows the impacts associated with the domestic outsourced shipment (upstream transportation) of goods consigned by Marubeni Corporation.
Costs Associated with Climate Change
- (Unit: thousands of yen)
Data | Contents | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 |
Cost of climate change risk aversion | Emergency power generation and flood countermeasures due to extreme weather conditions | 5,732 | 6,255 | 6,519 |
Research and development expenses for climate change risk aversion | Research and development expenses related to forest conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas, etc. | 5,830 | 8,127 | 11,204 |
Sustainable Forestry
Performance Data of Forest Certification Acquisition
The Marubeni Group has been promoting the use of certified materials in consideration of sustainability. We will continue our efforts to increase the percentage of certified products that we handle.
Ratio of certified forest products and timber approved as a management material by a certification body to consolidated net sales of the Forest Products Division
Item | FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 |
Ratio of FSC*2 or PEFC*3 certified timber and timber approved as a management material by a certification body | 54% | 52% | 50% | 54% | 56% |
- FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) (FSC® C016260): An NPO established to promote responsible forestry around the world and operates systems of international forest certification.
- PEFC (The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) (PEFC/31-32-80): An international forest certification system, which endorses mutual recognition of forest certification systems of various countries.
Water Management
Water Withdrawal
<Click here to view Water Management>
<Click here to view Tokyo Head Office’s targets to be achieved by FYE 3/2026>
- (Unit: thousand ㎥)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Marubeni Corporation | 5 | 396 | 409 | 57 | 66 |
Marubeni Corporation’s consolidated subsidiaries | 265,144 | 297,944 | 308,089 | 272,268 | 276,833 |
Total | 265,149 | 298,340 | 308,498 | 272,325 | 276,899★ |
〈Water Withdrawal by Source〉
- (Unit: thousand ㎥)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Surface water from rivers, lakes, natural ponds | 240,094 | 281,997 | 291,171 | 253,887 | 257,800 |
Underground/wells | 9,471 | 10,459 | 10,510 | 11,057 | 11,575 |
Used quarry water collected in the quarry | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Municipal potable water | 5,767 | 5,073 | 5,810 | 6,292 | 6,539 |
External water discharge | 9,566 | 237 | 549 | 631 | 160 |
Harvested rainwater | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Seawater, water extracted from the Sea or the Ocean | 231 | 575 | 458 | 458 | 818 |
Produced/Entrained water | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
Total | 265,130 | 298,340 | 308,498 | 272,325 | 276,899 |
- The river water withdrawn by Mibugawa Power Company for hydroelectric power generation business is included in the figure.
- Mibugawa Power Company’s business is small and medium-sized hydroelectric power project, mainly using flow-in water (self-flowing water). Click here to view detail of the company.
- From FYE 3/2021, raw water withdrawn by companies engaged in water supply and sewerage services, as well as industrial water supply and wastewater treatment as part of their business, is included in the figure of water withdrawn.
The total of each breakdown and the overall total may not match due to rounding.
Water Withdrawal from Water-Stressed Regions
By referring to Aqueduct tools and databases developed by WRI (World Resources Institute), the Marubeni Group identifies regions of which water stress level is “high” or more (“relevant areas”), and through internal reviews such as Sustainability Survey, we survey the amount of water withdrawal from the relevant areas.
Forty operation sites that have been identified by the Sustainability Survey with aggregated data as of the end of March 2024, operate in the watershed areas of Gulf Coast, Mississippi-Missouri, Rio Grande-Bravo, Saskatchewan-Nelson, Kansas, California, Texas, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, lowa in North America, Maipo in South America with relatively high water stress. There is a total water withdrawal of 94 thousand ㎥ in these regions, and we are aware that this is equivalent to 0.1% of 81,825 thousand ㎥, the amount of water withdrawal for the whole Marubeni Group excluding the portion used for hydroelectric power. (Furthermore, we have confirmed that no operation sites face comprehensively high water risk, such as the amount of physical water resources, pollution by wastewater, regulations, or assessment of nearby regions.)
Water Discharge
- (Unit: thousand ㎥)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Marubeni Corporation | 5 | 396 | 409 | 57 | 66 |
Marubeni Corporation’s consolidated subsidiaries |
258,135 | 285,297 | 295,638 | 260,845 | 264,317 |
Total | 258,140 | 285,693 | 296,047 | 260,902 | 264,383★ |
〈Water Discharge by Destination〉
- (Unit: thousand ㎥)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Ocean | 12,643 | 11,321 | 11,416 | 11,862 | 12,043 |
Surface water | 240,738 | 268,138 | 278,167 | 243,070 | 245,928 |
Underground/wells | 3,790 | 3,838 | 3,819 | 3,716 | 3,729 |
Off-site water treatment | 969 | 1,967 | 1,911 | 1,401 | 2,336 |
Others | 0 | 430 | 734 | 852 | 347 |
Total | 258,140 | 285,693 | 296,047 | 260,902 | 264,383 |
- The quality of discharged water is appropriately managed based on the laws and regulations of each country and region.
- The river water used by Mibugawa Power Company for hydroelectric power generation business is included in the figures.
- Mibugawa Power Company’s business is small and medium-sized hydroelectric power project, mainly using flow-in water (self-flowing water). Click here to view detail of the company.
- From FYE 3/2021, the amount of water discharge includes wastewater from sewage treatment projects.
The total of each breakdown and the overall total may not match due to rounding.
Water Recycling Rate
- (Unit: thousand ㎥)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Water withdrawal | 54,878 | 81,086 | 82,641 | 82,588 | 81,759 |
Recycled amount | 18,008 | 42,028 | 57,270 | 65,125 | 58,356 |
Recycling Rate | 33% | 52% | 69% | 79% | 71% |
- The scope of the water recycling rate includes Tokyo Head Office, branches and Marubeni Corporation’s consolidated subsidiaries.
- The portion used for hydroelectric power are excluded from water withdrawal.
Number of Legal or Regulatory Violations Related to Water Withdrawal and Water Discharge
In FYE 4/2023, an incident related to wastewater treatment occurred at a domestic site; however, appropriate corrective action has been completed. Since the violation in FYE 3/2018, there has been one violation related to water withdrawal and discharge from FYE 3/2019 to FYE 3/2023.
Water Consumption Intensity in Processed Seafood Products
- (Unit: ㎥/ton)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | |
Maruichi Suisan Co., Ltd. | 34.6 | 34.9 | 34.3 | 22.3 |
Maruichi Suisan Co., Ltd. is Marubeni’s subsidiary.
Costs related to Water Management
Costs for water management in FYE 3/2024 are as follows:
・Costs associated with water-related risks: 3,686.4 million yen.
(These include maintenance and repair of water withdrawal and drainage systems and recycling treatment facilities, installation of water-saving equipment, purchase of water discharge treatment chemicals, emergency response training for scenarios assuming the outflow of hazardous substances, and implementation of cleanup activities in the areas surrounding water sources.)
・Investments in R&D to mitigate water-related risks: 3.6 million yen.
(These are R&D expenses for water risk aversion to maintain water quality, to ensure water quantity and to investigate the surrounding environment.)
Environmental Management
Environmental Management System / Number of Reported Cases and Corrective Actions
We have an established system to report/correct cases related to administrative guidance and non-compliance with laws/ordinances in the operation of the Environment Management System. The measures are taken to prevent recurrence.
Number of Reported Cases and Corrective Actions
FYE 3/2024 | |
Number of reported cases | 4 |
Number of corrective actions | 4 (of which 0 includes fines/penalties) |
Total fines | 0 |
Environmental Protection Costs
Environmental Accounting*4
(Unit: thousands of yen)
FYE 3/2024 | ||
Business area cost | 5,392 | |
Upstream/Downstream cost | 11,662 | |
Administration cost | 755,360 | |
R&D cost | 0 | |
Social activity cost | 16,332 | |
Environmental remediation cost | 61,926 | |
Total | 850,672 |
- Based on the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, on a non-consolidated basis for Marubeni Corporation.
Waste Generated
<Click here to view Tokyo Head Office’s targets to be achieved by FYE 3/2026>
- (Unit: metric ton)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices | 39 | 4 | 343 | 270 | 295 |
Marubeni Corporation’s other offices + consolidated subsidiaries |
148,154 | 119,015 | 174,641 | 206,456 | 194,768 |
Total | 148,192 | 119,019 | 174,984 | 206,726 | 195,063★ |
- Materials with resale or reuse value are not included.
- From FYE 3/2022, the amount of waste includes the waste generated by a containerboard base paper manufacturing company in Vietnam.
- In FYE 3/2024, the amount of recycling included in the total waste generated by Marubeni Corporation and consolidated subsidiaries is 36,676 metric tons.
Specially Controlled Industrial Waste Output
As a single entity, Marubeni Corporation monitors and reports our output of specially controlled industrial waste defined in the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act. This includes PCB waste etc., such as PCB contaminant and processed PCB, which we dispose in sequence within the legal disposal period.
Specially Controlled Industrial Waste Output
- (Unit: metric ton)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Our domestic subsidiaries monitor and report the appropriate amount according to the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act.
Costs for Industrial Waste
- (Unit: thousands of yen)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Tokyo Head Office | 3,652 | 1,921 | 16,480 | 3,940 | 5,044 |
Target and Results for Serious Environmental Incidents*5 including Pollution
- (Unit: case)
Target | FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Serious Environmental Incidents | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Includes Marubeni Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries.
NOx, SOx, VOC Emissions
- (Unit: metric ton)
FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
NOx | 1,278 | 1,398 | 1,122 |
SOx | 233 | 62 | 32 |
VOC | 21 | 27 | 33 |
- Data on emissions for the Marubeni group includes its consolidated subsidiaries.
Recycling Rate
<Click here to view Tokyo Head Office’s targets to be achieved by FYE 3/2026>
- (Unit: %)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Recycling Rate of Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices | 41.8 | 61.7 | 78.9 | 74.8 | 71.6 |
- FYE 3/2020 includes an increase in waste due to large-scale layout work at the Osaka Branch.
Green Product Procurement Rate
- (Unit: %)
FYE 3/2020 | FYE 3/2021 | FYE 3/2022 | FYE 3/2023 | FYE 3/2024 | |
Green Product Procurement Rate of Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices |
91.2 | 83.1 | 75.2 | 78.0 | 78.0 |
- 【The boundary of the environmental data】
- Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices
It covers Tokyo Head Office, Hokkaido Branch, Chubu Branch, Osaka Branch, and Kyushu Branch. - Marubeni Corporation (excluding principal offices)
Excluding Marubeni Corporation’s principal offices, it covers domestic branches and offices, other facilities such as Tama Center, overseas branches and offices, and overseas corporate subsidiaries including their branches and offices. - Domestic offices of Marubeni Corporation
It covers Marubeni Corporation’s five principal offices, and Tohoku Branch, Shizuoka Branch, Hamamatsu Branch, Hokuriku Branch, Chugoku Branch, Okinawa Branch, Tama Center among Marubeni Corporation’s (non-principal) offices. - Consolidated subsidiaries
The subsidiaries that are designated to be liquidated or sold are excluded.
From FYE 3/2021, water discharge figures include agricultural material sales company based in the southeastern United States (waste generated does not include it). - Some of the aggregated data includes results from January to December.